„Constitutional Days“ Conference

"Current Issues in Electoral Law and Electoral Justice in the Slovak Republic – 2nd Constitutional Days"

Košice, September 25, 2013

Firstly, the title of the conference was determined by the experience and knowledge gathered in two decades of the constantly increasing decision-making activity of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in electoral matters. Secondly, it was influenced by the fact that elections, electoral systems and electoral legislation constitute an unusually attractive subject of research in constitutional theory and other social sciences.

Electoral justice in the V4 countries and electoral specifics in their countries were presented many representatives. For example Vojtech Šimíček from the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, Krzysztof Skotnicki from the Faculty of Law and Public Administration of the University of Lodz, Ivan Halász from the Faculty of Public Administration of the National University for Public Service of the Social Science Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Other experts and judges of the Constitutional Court attended the conference.

The conference were divided into three thematic areas:

  1. Principles of electoral law and electoral systems;
  2. Organisation and management of elections, election campaign, voting methods;
  3. Case law of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, foreign constitutional courts and other courts and international judicial bodies in electoral matters.


Create date: 31.5.2023 Last modified: 4.12.2023