Providing information
Acces to Information
The request for access to information, in accordance with Article 14(2) of Law 211/2000 on Free Access to Information, as amended, must contain specific elements to ensure clarity and effectiveness.
These include:
- Identification of the obliged person to whom the request is addressed;
- Provision of the name, surname, or business name of the requesting person;
- Inclusion of the address or registered office of the requesting person;
- Clarity regarding the information the request pertains to;
- Specification of how the requesting person proposes to disclose the information.
By adhering to these requirements, the request for access to information can be properly formulated and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
The request can be submitted by:
mail to the address:
Kancelária Ústavného súdu Slovenskej republiky
Mäsiarska 59
042 65 Košice
- in person to the Registry of the Chancellery of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic during office hours
Office hours - Registry - Košice
Day Time Time Monday 7.30 h - 12.00 h 13.00 h - 15.00 h Tuesday 7.30 h - 12.00 h 13.00 h - 15.00 h Wednesday 7.30 h - 12.00 h 13.00 h - 16.00 h Thursday 7.30 h - 12.00 h 13.00 h - 15.00 h Friday 7.30 h - 12.00 h -
for example by filling in the e-form or into the electronic mailbox of the Chancellery of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
The procedure for accessing information by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and the Chancellery of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, in accordance with Law 211/2000 on Free Access to Information is governed by the Directive on the Application of the Freedom of Information Act.